
Publications are listed in reverse chronological order. The most up-to-date list of my publications can be found on my Google Scholar profile. The bibtex file for all my published papers can be downloaded here.

Submitted Papers and Preprints

[S.1] Exploring the Design Space of Distributed Parallel Sparse Matrix‑Multiple Vector Multiplication. Hua Huang and Edmond Chow.

Peer-reviewed Conference Publications

[C.3] [SC 22] CA3DMM: A New Algorithm Based on a Unified View of Parallel Matrix Multiplication.
Hua Huang and Edmond Chow.
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC), 2022.
pdf ACM (includes presentation video)

[C.2] [IPDPS 19] Overlapping Communications with Other Communications and its Application to Distributed Dense Matrix Computations. Hua Huang and Edmond Chow.
International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2019.
pdf IEEE

[C.1] [SC 18] Accelerating Quantum Chemistry with Vectorized and Batched Integrals.
Hua Huang and Edmond Chow.
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC), 2018.
pdf ACM

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

[J.8] [SIAM J. Sci. Comput.] An Adaptive Factorized Nystrom Preconditioner for Kernel Matrices. Shifan Zhao, Tianshi Xu, Hua Huang, Edmond Chow, and Yuanzhe Xi.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (accepted, to appear).

[J.7] [SIAM J. Sci. Comput.] Data-Driven Construction of Hierarchical Matrices with Nested Bases.
Difeng Cai, Hua Huang, Edmond Chow, and Yuanzhe Xi.
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (2023).
pdf SIAM

[J.6] [J. Comput. Phys.] A Hierarchical Matrix Approach for Computing Hydrodynamic Interactions.
Xin Xing, Hua Huang, and Edmond Chow.
Journal of Computational Physics, 448, 110761 (2022).
pdf ScienceDirect

[J.5] [SoftwareX] SPARC: Simulation Package for Ab-initio Real-space Calculations.
Qimen Xu, Abhiraj Sharma, Benjamin Comer, Hua Huang, Edmond Chow, Andrew J Medford, John E Pask, and Phanish Suryanarayana. SoftwareX, 15, 100709 (2021).
pdf ScienceDirect

[J.4] [SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl.] Efficient Construction of an HSS Preconditioner for Symmetric Positive Definite H2 Matrices.
Xin Xing, Hua Huang, and Edmond Chow.
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 42(2), 683–707 (2021).
pdf SIAM

[J.3] [ACM Trans. Math. Softw] H2Pack: High-Performance H2 Matrix Package for Kernel Matrices Using the Proxy Point Method.
Hua Huang, Xin Xing, and Edmond Chow.
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 47 (1), 1-29 (2020).
pdf ACM

[J.2] [J. Chem. Phys.] A Linear Scaling Hierarchical Block Low-rank Representation of the Electron Repulsion Integral Tensor.
Xin Xing, Hua Huang, and Edmond Chow.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 153, 084119 (2020).
pdf AIP

[J.1] [J. Chem. Phys.] Techniques for High-Performance Construction of Fock Matrices.
Hua Huang, David Sherrill, and Edmond Chow.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 152, 024122 (2020).
pdf AIP Note: The PDF file here is an updated version. Compared to the published version, only column “GTFock density fitting $[J^{-1/2}]$ Build” in Table V in this PDF file is updated. Previously I used the standard eigensolver to compute $J^{-1/2}$, which is now replaced by the Cholesky decomposition.